Best document format for reading with smallest file size.


Baseband Member
Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have the habit of reading ebooks on android tab. I am having upto 25 GB of PDF books.

I have downloaded the PDF books legally and with the permission of site owner if you don't trust me I am ready to provide it's address.

Previously I have downloaded a djvu file of size 7 mb from some web site and at that time I can't find any reader for opening and reading it so I have converted it to PDF and surprisingly the PDF file generated was 300 mb.

Upon analyzing the above anyone can say that there is another format for document reading with lowest file size.

Upon compressing to another format I think that total size of files may be reduced to 5 to 6 GB.

Actually the PDF files I have consists of scanned images from a text book. I think that djvu is the best format for storing scanned images at lowest file size.

If you know any other format for document reading with smallest file size please suggest it and also the software which converts PDF to it. If you think djvu is the best please suggest a converter which converts in batch from PDF to djvu.

Generally speaking a .EPUB file will be smaller than a PDF or a MOBI by about 35% to 50% depending on the content.
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