Batch Files

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Baseband Member
With a batch file can you make it query a folder and only find the files that were modified after a certian date, then get command prompt to display the file names.
Im sure that you could this...would need to do some research. I am at work now...but maybe when I get home.
Here is a down a dirty way to do it. You need to copy the text after the line and create the .bat file. When you run it, you have to type whatever date you want after the program. For example, lets name it search.bat. You would need to runt it by typing

search.bat 04/15/2006

That would find all file modifed on that date. It is not very useful to display on the commad line because there a lot of files modified everyday. I would write it to a file by adding > c:\file.txt after the DIR line like this.

DIR c:\*.* /s |Find "%1" >c:\file.txt

I dont know what youre trying to do with this so I am not sure of this is what you want. If this doesnt work let me know what youre trying to do and I will try some different things.

@Echo off

DIR c:\*.* /s |Find "%1"

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