Video Cards

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Baseband Member
:) Hi guys,

I'm trying to figure out the difference between the following cards:

ASUS GEFORCE-4 V8420 TI4200 64MB - $277.07 CAD
ASUS GEFORCE-4 V8420 TI4200 128MB - $304.88 CAD
ASUS GEFORCE-4 V8420 TI4200 DLX - $394.49 CAD

(i know the difference of the first two, but what about the Delux?? )

also, which card out of all these cards is the best in performance and FEATURES? (including asus)

MSI GF4 8870 TI4200 64M DDR - $248.23 CAD
MSI GF4 8870 TI4200-TD128M DDR - $288.40 CAD

or do you have another suggestion?

Anthony. :)
The deluxe editions of ASUS cards usually have extra features, such as VIVO. However it is more expensive than that of an ATI Radeon 9700 128mb.

And as for 64mb vs. 128mb Ti 4200, the 64mb version is higher clocked, meaning higher performance, while the 128mb version has a RAM advantage, though not too significant in the real-world (games).
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