Using a desk fan to help cool PC?

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Raphael Argus

Daemon Poster
This is probably an odd question, but is there any problem with using a small desk face to help cool a PC? I keep my side panel off and using the desk fan to blow inside the system gives me about 10 degrees farhenheit cooler temps. Pretty big difference.
Just want to make sure that there isn't any problem with a magnetic field or anything crazy lke that, I don't want to damage any of my hardware.

And I would only be doing this for about 2 months during the hot season, otherwise the system runs great with it's 2 case fans.
My friend i would just say that its all cool as long as it stays cool.
Big fan or small fan the purpose is achieved so have fun with ur cold PC.
Nope, but you'll have a bit more dust being thrown in there. That would bother me, but if it doesn't bother you, its all good :)
shouldn't be a problem, i've seen it done. but be careful, gigantic oscillating magnetic fields don't always mix with delicate electronics ;)
i thought of doing that too, last summer when it was hot... but then i thought i would get too much dust and crap in it, so i didn't do it... tell me how it is, and if it works, tell me! ;) :D
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