UPS backup settings/config question

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I just bought a UPS for my home computer and have been on the manufacturers website and emailed them and got no response...
My question is when setting up the configuration (see pic attached) I don't know what the signal polarities are for the UPS I have, it's not documented in any of my literature. Anyone have any suggestions? The UPS I have is the Amptek Bluestar 650N ( I was going to try each setting and see but I'm afraid of bunking it up or damaging it....any help would be great!
I don't know if he should be changing that to negetive Dave. if in doubt leave all those settings the way they are. the manufacturer should always have those to a safe default setting. I recommend not changing anything unless you are absolutely sure. I mean why would they sell a product that is new and it has an unsafe setting turned ON by default?
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