is there any risk to dual monitors?

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Daemon Poster
is there any risk to using dual monitors? like will it shorten ur video card life span or anything? will it make the temperature of ur video card go up?
no you should be fine, if the card supports it then there should be no trouble or shortening of the life span
ok thanks. dam i gotta get a new secondary monitor. its all blury and stuff cuz its an old crt. not used to switching view from crt to lcd. lol
The only real risk -- running two monitors can use that much more electricity. But if you're really worried, just set the monitors to standby at 10 minutes idle.
I have to giant CRT's as my dual monirots right now and the only risk is me getting blasted (litterally) with radiation.
Sw1tCh[FX] said:
I have to giant CRT's as my dual monirots right now and the only risk is me getting blasted (litterally) with radiation.

Not to mention the power consumption of those beasts!
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