NVIDIA Card overides OnBoard VGA

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Im trying to run Dual Monitors in windows XP with and onboard vga card and a GeForce MX 400 AGP Card. I had them running together in windows 98 SE, but then I upgraded to windows XP Pro and they only work one at a time, but not together? Ideas?
I believe that if you have and onboard vid and an AGP, the OnBoard will boot first. If you're using two PCI video cards, the one nearest the CPU will boot first. If you're using one AGP and one PCI, the PCI will always boot first. In your BIOS settings you might be able to manually determine whether an AGP or PCI video card is the master. You'll have to poke around in your BIOS to find out.

You hooked up the GF card to the second monitor and booted up, installed drivers , then went into display settings and ensured that Extend My Windows Desktop.... is checked off right?

Check your configurations, in BIOS, Control Panel

Just a start,,
Well, in the BIOS it does give me the option of which to boot first, PCI or AGP. But im dealing with onboard and AGP. In Decive Manager in windows it only show the driver for the AGP. So in Display properties, theres only one monitor.
But I know this will work, cause like I said previously, I had this same hardware running together in Windows 98SE....
Obviously there is something wrong here,, in device manager you should be able to go into display properties and see a drop down line that displays the names of BOTH adaptors,, if you dont see this, then one is NOT being loaded,,,

delete the AGP,, remove the card,, reboot the machine,, let it see the onboard video,, load the drivers and install,, check properties to see if it is in Device Manager,,

Then shut down,, put AGP back in ,, load drivers,, then check device manager , display properties again,, you should be able to see both of them,,

then ,, ensure that "Extend to ...." is checked off,,

this sounds like an error in process,, not hardware,, or OS,,

I already have done this. The onboard VGA runs fine and is intalled when the AGP is out. But as soon as the AGP get put back in, there is no trace of the onboard anywhere on the system.
Its quite possible its a limitation of the motherboards chipset.
Is there a way to change that port address? I dident see much at microsofts site?
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