Monitor resolutions

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Daemon Poster
THe average monitor has an aspect ratio of 4:3. 4 divided by 3 is 1.3333. A standard monitor resolution is 800 x 600. 800 divided by 600 is 1.333333. Another standard is 1024 x 768. Also equaling 1.3333. Then why do people use 1280 x 1024 when 1280 divided by 1024 equals 1.25? The pixels then arent squares and the image is out of proportion. Do games do something to keep the picture from becoming out of proportion?

I'm very confused and I could use a helpful response. Thanks!
Since 1280x1024 is the native resolution of many LCDs, we just use it.

Everything looks the same as far as proprtion. I went from a CRT with 1024 x 768 to a LCD with 1240 x 1024 and didn't notice a change (except for a clearer picture, better resolution, better color, etc.).
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