How to preset Resolution of HDMI connected monitor before switching to the monitor?


Solid State Member
I'm currently running lenovo y560 0640, and I'm connecting to a rather old model of AKAI HDtv. It does not support above 720p and whenever I switch my settings to TV only it automatically sets the TV setting as 1366x768 or some other resolution that my TV is unable to display and shows the error Not support.
I tried using the duplicate display option which works as I switch my display on both the laptop and the TV to 1280x720. But I am currently trying to run it on TV only so I can try playing a few games on my TV. I have AMD Radeon HD 6570M/5700 Series display driver.
But using the duplicate method I am still able to play a few games
but my main concern there is whether or not it will over work the graphics card displaying the game on two separate displaying devices. And also if there is a way I can set the resolution of the TV before having to actually switch to it.

If anyone can help it will be very helpful.
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