How much damage can static do?

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How much damage could static electricity on your hands do to a motherboard?
If you run around on a wool carpet wearing socks then touch any components on your computer. Or if your working on your computer with the case open with it on a carpet.
or do it like my neighbor. she touch the mobo after doing somebody hair and she has carpet. she fried the caps and resistors
how would u reccomend putting in a mobo if u dont have a wrist strap or a anti static mat...i've heard u can ground yourself out by touching the Power supply but that is a pain doing everything with one hand.... any suggestions
You don't have to hold on to the PS, I keep the grounded power cord plugged into the power supply this keeps the case grounded. Then you need oly make contact with the carrige of the case to discharge static.
once touch the case, your static discharge to ground. you can then to let it go and unplug your cord after you touch it, because the computer is still on a lttile bit
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