help me identify this weird electronic device...

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I normally do not consider myself paranoid. Perhaps there is a normal explanation for this thing, perhaps not... anyway maybe somebody can help me identify this thing:

Today, inspecting an oil leak in my car, I noticed an odd-looking projection on the rear right underside of the car's frame. I looked at it closer and it was clear it was not part of the car's undercarriage. I tried pulling it off and it came off in my hand; it had been held there by a strong magnet at its base. Here are some pictures I took:



(sorry bout the quality... i'm using cheap digital camera on a tiny object)
The object is about three-fourths of an inch long and half an inch wide. You can get an idea of scale from the second picture. It is composed of two halves which screw together, with two tiny batteries in the middle. The base has a strong magnet attatched and has a cavity for the batteries to fit in. The top screws into the bottom, and is topped by a clear dome housing some electronics. I can see that there is a bunch of tiny circuitry and a chip of some sort. I'm an amateur electrician, but I don't know enough to say what the circuitry and chip appear to be. Also, there are some thin wires extending across the dome.

Key things to note about this thing:
-tiny, sturdy (metal) and sleek
-self-powered, no external connections
-designed to be strongly attatched to something with a magnet
-has some circuitry
-no discernible function or interface (no LEDs, etc)
-there is no brand name or any writing or logo on or inside it

When I first considered these things, what popped into my head was something like the scene from that Batman movie where he puts a little magnetically-attatched tracking device on a bad guy's car and then Batman can tell where the car is from the signal coming from the thingy.
Then, I considered that that's just a freakin' movie, and there's no reason anybody would want to track me, and how would it work anyway (no clue what a radio transmitter looks like, so i can't tell you if it's got one).
Anway, my point is I'm very curious... anybody have any idea what the hell this thing could be?!

Tony from CT

P.S. this is my first post... i registered here to ask about this. if this isn't the right place to ask maybe somebody can tell me where i should post this.
i know where you live..........

haha, i'm joking. you say it came under your car? maybe you should put it back but what would it do there?

in all honesty, with all the anti-privacy going on nowadays, if the car is a newer car, it could most definitely be a tracking device or maybe i'm a cnspiracy theorist too and it's just some type of input device for the car's computer.

i really wouldn't know though.
The car's an '86 Volvo, so no, not a newer car at all. Also, if car makers were going to include tracking devices, you'd think they would build them into the car, rather than attatch them with magnets...
don't think i'm gonna put it back under my car ;)
lol...i know what that is

it is just a light...i have one of those...try putting the thing together and closing it fully the light will flash

now how it got there... i have no clue?

maybe the magnetic force just picked it up or the previous owner dropped it there????

dont worry its just a light i have the exact same thing
when you said it had a magnet and it uses a battery i could almost tell what it is by the positive and negetive leads in the bottom of the device.

i am almost positive it a a micro electric motor. have you ever seen advertisements for those micro massagers that attach to the fingertip like a glove...well not really a glove. either that or its a part of a woman's pleasure toy gadget, same fingertip principle.

what i am not sure on is how the hell do you complete the circuit to make it vibrate......have you tried pushing real hard on both ends together?
i didn't read any of the replies or his question, just looked at the pictures. i see the diode in the center now....:surprised
haha... i was fooled by a light!
you've got to admit though, finding it under your car it might seem suspicious... i still have no idea how it got there. now that you mention it, i missed the diode. i guess the batteries are dead cause i can't get it to light up.

what are these used for? where do you get them?
well they kinda used in dances and dark parties and what not. Similar to glow sticks...and it got on ur car...most likley was on the road and ur car was goign over it and it just magnetized to the car. Also i donno where inr etail u can get em BUT my friend hyas a few and she gives me em free of charge.
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