A good PCI SCSI card?

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YanBooth said:

Now, ANYone gonna answer my question, is that a good SCSI card???????????

Thank you...........


I will ask... All I know about it now, is that it has an external box that connects through USB, does that help? Apparently it was pretty expensive too...

Those are usually called MIDI controllers, their's no PC programs that require a box to run that I know of
Are ya just ignoring my need to help him to tell him what to buy on purpose Chris?
LOL, not trying to be a d*ck sorry if it seems so, I just need to help him, and he is ona TIGHT schedule of ordering, he needs to order by tomorrow...

Knowing his knowledge of computers, the software will not be what he wants, after spending a lot of money on it, thenspending $300-$400 on the hard drive...

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