edges of windows and objects in games distorted

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I just got a new computer, P4 2.66ghz, with a ATI Radeon 9500pro. In windows, when I drag a window, the edges of the window are distorted while it is moving, with strange horizontal lines that distort the edges. The same thing happens when playing 3D games, the edges of objects and walls will be horizontally distorted when they are moving. Its really kinda hard to explain, these horizontal lines kinda ''break'' the edges, and it looks strange. And I know its more than just your typical anti-aligning thing. Ive updated my drivers and everything like that. Any help would be appreciated. Im using a 4 year old 19'' CTX ultra screen monitor, if that means anything.
since your monitor is 4 years old i wouldn't be supraised if your monitor was starting to die. Have you tried your computer on a different monitor?
Wow, 4 years old...that is old for a monitor...probably weighs a ton/has extra wide plastic border, and has the ac plug in a non effiecient place so you can't push it all the way up against the wall.

I had actually OVER pincushioned my monitor with the graphics card software and the on-monitor buttons pincushion which cased the edges on mine to be weird (zoom feature, vsize, + hsize you know etc), so you might look itno that if it pertains... Fixed mine by resetting the pincushioning on both inputs.

heh. The other day my monitor fell off a 2 1/2ft stool onto its top, bounced and turned off. I picked it up and plugged it back in and doesn't seem the worse for wear. I was quite pleased...even though its a sylvania 17" that maxes at 70hz 1280x960. I was certain the thing was doomed.

Originally posted by chalk
Wow, 4 years old...that is old for a monitor...probably weighs a ton/has extra wide plastic border, and has the ac plug in a non effiecient place so you can't push it all the way up against the wall.


not only that,..the glass probably bulges forward right infront of your face that it causes the images to be distortd.LOL!

but seriously,....try the diagnostics the others specified..especially the monitor. try a diffrent monitor...if it still occurs,..then you probably have an internal problem
Vsync. check your video card options and enable Vsync it makes it so it renders frames at the speed your monitor draws them. as it is it is re-rendering the frame half way or less through your monitor drawing it on the screen, so half of it is updated and half of it isnt.
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