Does IBM Netvista 2276 use standard PC133 mem?

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Does the IBM Netvista 2276 use standard PC133 mem?

The only info from the IBM web site on memory for the 2276 30u is “Verify the memory that was purchased is 3.3v, 133 MHz, 168 pin SDRAM DIMM.” Yet the venders I usually do business with will only say “We do not carry parts for IBM Workstations” Does anyone know if IBM requires some kind of non-standard memory or is somehow unique to IBM, for their Netvista PC’s. Or for any of their PC’s for that matter.

IÂ’ve also noticed that memory manufactures like, Kingston and Viking, often have memory with different part numbers for name brand PCÂ’s (ie. IBM, CompaqÂ…) for memory with the exact same specÂ’s. Is that memory in fact different or is it customized in some way for specific make/model PCÂ’s? IÂ’ve used memory from both Kingston and Viking that was intended for Compaq PCÂ’s in many other non-Compaq PCÂ’s without any apparent problems. Was that just luck or what?

Will a generic PC133 SDRAM DIMM work in a IBM Netvista 2276 30u or any name brand PC that uses PC133?
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