Clone Hard Drive?

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Here's the .bat file:
set iso=Hiren's.BootCD.9.4
echo -------------------------------------------------
echo %iso% Custom Keyboard Settings Patch
echo -------------------------------------------------
if not exist keyb.dat goto error
if not exist keyb.sys goto error
if exist del
if exist tmpfile.exe del tmpfile.exe
goto start
echo file missing keyb.dat or keyb.sys
echo View Readme.txt for more information.
echo Press any key to EXIT...
goto AA
if exist "%iso%.iso.iso" ren "%iso%.iso.iso" "%iso%.iso"
if exist "%iso%.iso" goto ask
echo FILE NOT FOUND "%iso%.iso"
echo Make sure you have "%iso%.iso" in current directory.
echo View Readme.txt for more information.
goto end
echo   A.  BELGIQUE - belgique clavier AZERTY
echo   B.  BULGARIAN 
echo   D.  BRAZIL - portuguese keyboard 
echo   E.  BRAZIL EXTENDED - portuguese keyboard
echo   F.  DENMARK - daenish keyboard
echo   G.  FRANCAIS - clavier AZERTY
echo   H.  GERMAN - deutsche Tastatur
echo   I.  GERMAN2 - deutsche Tastatur mit internatinalen Umlauten
echo   J.  HEBREW - hebrew keyboard
echo   K.  ITALY - tastiera italiana
echo   L.  LATIN AMERICAN - keyboardo espanolo latino americano
echo   M.  NETHERLANDS - dutch keyboard
echo   N.  NORVEGIAN - norske keyboard
echo   O.  POLISH - polska klawiatura
echo   P.  PORTUGAL - portugese keyboard
echo   Q.  RUSSIA - Russian keyboard
echo   R.  SWISS FRENCH 
echo   S.  SWISS GERMAN - schweizer deutsches Keyboard
echo   T.  SLOVENIAN keyboard
echo   U.  SPANISH - keyboard
echo   V.  SUOMI - finnish Keyboard
echo   W.  SWEDISH - swedish Keyboard
echo   X.  UNITED KINGDOM Keyboard        Y. UNITED STATES Keyboard      Z. EXIT
copy /y keyb.dat>nul
tmpfile1 /N /C:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Choose an option : 
if errorlevel 26 goto Z
if errorlevel 25 goto Y
if errorlevel 24 goto X
if errorlevel 23 goto W
if errorlevel 22 goto V
if errorlevel 21 goto U
if errorlevel 20 goto T
if errorlevel 19 goto S
if errorlevel 18 goto R
if errorlevel 17 goto Q
if errorlevel 16 goto P
if errorlevel 15 goto O
if errorlevel 14 goto N
if errorlevel 13 goto M
if errorlevel 12 goto L
if errorlevel 11 goto K
if errorlevel 10 goto J
if errorlevel  9 goto I
if errorlevel  8 goto H
if errorlevel  7 goto G
if errorlevel  6 goto F
if errorlevel  5 goto E
if errorlevel  4 goto D
if errorlevel  3 goto C
if errorlevel  2 goto B
if errorlevel  1 goto A
goto Z
set key=BE 
goto patch
set key=BG 
goto patch
set key=BGP
goto patch
set key=BR 
goto patch
set key=BX 
goto patch
set key=DK 
goto patch
set key=FR 
goto patch
set key=GR 
goto patch
set key=GR2
goto patch
set key=HE 
goto patch
set key=IT 
goto patch
set key=LA 
goto patch
set key=NL 
goto patch
set key=NO 
goto patch
set key=PL 
goto patch
set key=PO 
goto patch
set key=RU 
goto patch
set key=SF 
goto patch
set key=SG 
goto patch
set key=SL 
goto patch
set key=SP 
goto patch
set key=SU 
goto patch
set key=SV 
goto patch
set key=UK 
goto patch
set key=US 
goto patch
echo   FILE   = hbcd.iso>temp.dat
echo   TTL    =%key%Keyboard Patch For %iso% >>temp.dat
echo   SEARCH = 0A 73 65 74 20 6B 65 79 62 6F 61 72 64 3D ?? ?? ?? 0D>>temp.dat
echo   CHANGE = 0A 73 65 74 20 6B 65 79 62 6F 61 72 64 3D "%key%" 0D>>temp.dat
copy /y "%iso%.iso" hbcd.iso>nul
copy /y keyb.sys tmpfile.exe>nul
tmpfile /p temp.dat
del temp.dat
echo !! REMEMBER !!
echo If there is NO ERROR above 
echo "%key%Patched %iso%.iso"
if not exist "%key%Patched %iso%.iso" ren "hbcd.iso" "%key%Patched %iso%.iso"
set key=
if exist del
if exist tmpfile.exe del tmpfile.exe
echo. Press any key to exit.
pause >nul
if exist del
if exist tmpfile.exe del tmpfile.exe
It's just a keyboard patch. Apparently some keyboards didn't work with the newer versions of the bootcd, or something like that.

Edit: Nvm, it's a keyboard patch for non-US keyboards. So if you have a US keyboard, ignore the patch.
Oh I see. I will probably try to tomorrow or next weekend and I'll report back on if it works or not.
OK, I booted the CD up and it gave me a menu. I went to Disk Clone. It has several options of different program names. I went for Norton blah 11. 11? It gave me more options. Can you give me a walk through for this?
Yeah, hold on. Lemme load it into my lappy, and I'll edit this post.

Ok, after you boot into the CD: Disk clone tools > Norton Ghost > And since you're just doing it from internal drive to internal drive, just pick the Normal one. You'll be prompted several times with stuff. Just pick the default options that it gives you. When it loads, pick Local > Disk > To Disk. Follow through with the prompts.
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