Clearing Up Some Thangs

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I dont think thats true, SLI only came out recently and its only been testable for a short time. Nvidia was supposedly beating ATI well before that, cheifly because of it seemed the 6800GT. ATI was also hampered by poor drivers and had to remedy that.

how many people have SLI machines? how many EVER will? ATI is working on their own technology and it will arrive soon enough. I think people are still digesting PCI-Express and starting to get used to that. AGP8X was barely being utilized when PCIE was being introduced. It will also be awhile before many games CAN take advantage of SLI.

And ChipX I said in another forum that the X850 was a similar story to the FX chips in that it was unwarranted and overpriced. I was wrong in that, I went and found benchmarks and such and saw the difference. that is how hardware is moved forward, introducing new and better, it will always be more expensive and more in demand.
You are right on many levels. SLI and PCIe have for the most part, been blown way out of proportion. You do not need a two 16x SLI cards to run any games right now, I have a 9800 Pro and it runs HL2 like a champ with most settings maxed out. And this is a card that is over two years old.

SLI and PCIe won't be taken advantage of for at least another year, at the very least. The x850XT is the first card to fully utilize PCIe bandwidth, most previous PCIe cards literally didn't use the full 16x capability.

SLI is just plain ridiculous to invest in right now in my opinion, one 6800GT Ultra will be more than enough graphics power for quite some time, I would love to find anyone who complains about this cards performance in any game right now.

Until SLI becomes an applicable factor, there's no point in getting it. By the time SLI becomes a demand for games, I gurantee that if you have decided to invest in two SLI cards now, they will struggle to provide you the performance you desire.

Also, you can't compare two SLI cards to one of ATi's cards, that's like trying to compare dual core CPUs to single core, of course it's going to outperform the other, that's just plain biased.
Well like I've said a hundred times before....ATI has created what like.....13 cards and Nvidia created 6? They will wait until they create a Geforce 7000 or whatever they decide to do next. You can't compare the X850 with the 6800 as they aren't even in the same group really and Nvidia doesn't need to create a 6850 to try and compete because that'd just be like the whole 5950 way back when. Yeah sure it's faster and 'new' but at what cost....

Besides the original contest was their first main line, not then to come out with something new and then try to compare it and say NAH NAH ATI WON, because now you're just back tracking and having to wait a lot of extra months for it to be released with nvidia has had their crap organized and out there for some time.

Nvidia lost FX series to the 9xxx and now the crown has changed....I don't care if the X850 has won the latest benches because like I said, Nvidia has had theirs created and ready to go, not trying to make last minute advances.

Good luck with this thread Chip, seems kind of pointless really and just asking for trouble but we'll see how it goes.
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