Xbox mod is the laser dangerous? Please help

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Hi i modded my xbox 360 over a year ago and i created a window for my xbox case so you could see inside the xbox and i also cut a hole out of the xbox disc drive so you could see inside the disc drive and watch the disc spinning.

I was wondering is this dangerous at all? On my xbox i can see the laser moving up and down under the disc, infact the laser light can be seen through the actual disc it is reading, even though the disc is sitting on top of it. It only just occurred to me that this could be dangerous to look at even though it is not directly being shined into someones eyes?

I've started to become paranoid that i have damaged my eyes as this mod was done over a year ago and i hadn't realised that exposed laser could be harmful. Since other gamers have done similar mods, i just assumed it was safe.

Can anyone advise me? Thanks
Well depending on the lasers class it could be safe although it usually is not a good idea to be exposed to any sort of laser beam. Do you know why lasers can go an extreme distance? It's because the photons are condensed into each other to make one really long line and due to the fact that photons emit heat they stick together. And increased exposition to this laser light can give permanent damage I suggest covering the laser light up some how even if it means putting the Xbox back to factory looks. Also due to you modding it you have also voided the warranty on it as well.
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