Can they mess with me?

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i just bought a new rig from the local pc store down the road, have been on it for 3 or 4 days now, and its been ok til today. When i came home the skys were dark with clouds so i shouldnt have tried it but i hit the power button. Boop! Flicker and no more power.

My question is, can the store rig the machine so it shorts easier or is even guaranteed to short? i mean i had my old pc for 3 years and my girlfriends pc is sitting right here next to it and through storm after storm they never shorted once. now suddenly this one goes at the first sign of a storm? just doesnt feel right.

Are they messing with me? someone plz help :(
Re: Can they screw me?

First read the rules. Zero Tolerance Profanity Policy.

This all depends on the PSU. If they have a small fuse in there it can trip easier. But not all PSU's have the ability to be tampered with.
most people wouldnt bother to rig a psu either. cause even with no power those capacitors can store a lot of juice and you can seriously shock yourself badly.

It just might have been bad luck that had the computer die
just go back to the store, any decent place will have a minimum 7 day return policy even on electronics

and also... I don't think theres any way to rig a computer to die after a certain amount of time? You can either make it work, or make it not work... right?
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