3700+ or Opteron?

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Baseband Member
im deciding between a 3700+ or an opteron 148 or something because i have to stay around $200 and i heard opterons are futureproof? even though the 148 is more expensive i will be willing to pay the extra ~$40 for it if it is much better than a 3700+

thanks guys
they say dual core processors are more future proof. wether they are opty or a64 dont matter.
ummm 148 isnt dual core. I'd get the 3700 if you're not gonna OC. Also get it at ZipZoomFly.com
in general, the opteron 148 will possibly overclock a little better than the 3700+. also, the opteron will have slightly higher temperatures. this is just based on results people have gotten in the past.

opteron 148 is no more future proof than the 3700+. they're the same processor but the opteron supposedly is tested more and has higher quality silicone.
thanks guys i think i'll go with the 3700+
seeing that its cheaper and whatnot without being too much better
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