Wired, or not?

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Baseband Member
Warrington, U.K
Whats everybody's take on this.

I have a basic keyboard from a long time ago, does the job but makes my wrists hurt after a while typing. Mouse is the same, basic but isn't the most comfortable.

So I am thinking of something like this: Computer hardware and software at amazing prices, available online from Scan Computers UK

This keyboard and mouse will be used for word processing, access to multimedia and a bit of gaming (but not too much, I am at uni and although I have all the spare time in the world, I cannot afford too many games.

A few questions: Is wireless really awful for gaming, if so, why? What keyboard/mouse do you use?
Wireless key can sometimes be bad for gaming. That is because there is a lag between a button-press and the response. Most people don't think thats a problem though.
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