where can i find a "how to set up BIOS" tutorial?

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Solid State Member
this is my first time building a pc and i have no idea of how to set up a bios, are there any good videos or written guides about how to set up one?
Typically, all you need to set is the boot order. Do you know what BIOS version you have? Should say so in post. Top left.

Edit: Or just give us your motherboard model number.
You may have to manually adjust your memory speed and or latencies, and you may not. I wouldn't worry about it until you get your parts.
OK. I looked at the manual for that board. In BIOS, you click on Advanced BIOS Features. Go down to Hard Disk Priority.

Straight from the manual:
Specifies the sequence of loading the operating system from the installed hard drives. Use the up or down arrow key to select a hard drive, then press the plus key <+> (or <PageUp>) or the minus key <-> (or <PageDown>) to move it up or down on the list. Press <Esc> to exit this menu when finished.

All the other functions of BIOS are also in your manual.
Alternatively, you could go HERE. I found this site super helpful :)

Keep us posted on your build, ask away if you hit troubles and make sure you do the build when you are rested and able to concentrate ;) :D
Not all different types of BIOS look like that. So while you get the idea, it might be a tad bit different from what they posted. When in doubt, the manual.
My BIOS was massively different to the one pc-it-yourself uses (their stuff is from a couple of years back), but the basis was the same... I do agree though, using the manual (whilst harder) leaves less room to screw up :D
Well my BIOS looks nothing to look like that.

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