Learning the Ropes

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Solid State Member
Hello, im a new member here to the forum as you could tell by my post heh, im reading up all the talk about building your own computer...seems to me that its possibly a little easier than its all cracked up to be with a little research..i was wanting to know if i should pay some one to build it for me by telling them what im looking for...or is it fairly easy just do some reading and learning and put it together myself. Although i do know computer basics but not sure if i know quite enough about whats on the inside of the computer. Opinions would be appreciated

One is for sure:If you build your pc yourself you will learn A LOT!And that knowledge will be useful later,if you have any problems with the pc.
it would be great to learn to build one yourself. building a PC isn't hard, you just need to have some knowledge, which can be easily found both here, and through google searches
With that being said..sounds good to me id personally like to be able to do this..so many topics and so many sites for so much knowledge...tell me Where do I Begin???
It really helps if you can get someone to help you. You should have no problem putting one together yourself, as long as you have read up.

As for the parts you want/need, read through some of the many "Build me a rig" threads.
I agree. I find if you type in something really simple that includes your budget into the search function here, it comes up with some pretty good results. For example, typing in "$1000 gaming" would give you quite a few hits.
As far as someone helping me you say...do you mean a someone to personally guide me and help me through it or say someone on instant messenger just talking to them?
Well, directly in person would obviously better, but unless you have someone that you know well that's good with computers, IMing someone would still be good enough.

Remember to read a lot first. If you know what you're doing, it shouldn't be too hard, but its easy to make some stupid mistake cuz you decided not to read anything from the experts.
Yeah if there is someone you trust that would help you out in person then use them.

On the other hand, there are many people here who would gladly help you out, and a digital camera and this board/aim are pretty close to being there in person.
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