Does this require....?

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theres a four pin molex connector. but you could get a cable that goes from molex to whatever you have avalible. you could always get a splittler also.
I would say You have to plug it in, Its a really good Idea for them to get a seperate power source so if you plug a bunch of stuff in it doesn't rob the power from the other pci devices.
OK I just ordered a power splitter. And I also have another question about these:

It has two 4-pins and one 3-pin. Do I have to connect all of them? Or those two 4-pins?? I was also thinking of putting one 4-pin into the power splitter joined with the PCI card. I won't be using them both cathode and pci at the same time, so is there a problem with this?..and usually I only have one USB device connected at a time.
You only need 1 4 pin, it goes 4 pin to switch and then 3 pins to the inverter and the CC connects to the inverter with the 3 pin.
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