2 OS partitioning?

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This is my Raptor


This is my Atlas 4


Thats not the whole story but the Raptor is better, mind you I've had the SCSI setup for years
linux can access both windows and linux partitions. for FC5 you will have to use EXT3FS or EXT2FS but i would reccomend EXT3FS. if you can find the program "ext2ifs" i think it is called you can use that to access linux partitions in windows. if you can't find it catch me on msn or email me or something. i think i have the final version of it somewhere
Ethereal_Dragon said:
Thanks Major for the info....

Here is one last question for you.....

Can Windows and Linux (whichever distro) both use & save files on the same partition of a drive, or are the file structure's different, so each would need its own file space?

Linux can't save files on NTFS partitions. You can create a small FAT32 partition for storing files with linux and still be able to access them with Windows. You cannot store files bigger than 4GB on a FAT32 partition, however.
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