Programming FAQ

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Nice. I'm adding the ASM one.
And I'm currently working on a .CHM and .PDF downloadable version of this FAQ. It's got quite a bit of content that this one doesnt...and it will be come the standard that is shared on this site.

I'll post the link when I'm done.
an answer to search engine question:
for a search engine, you agree google is a good example? well, google is using mostly Python on a custom linux platform.. They have something called a index-file (it's not actually a file, there are a couple thousand servers in each datacenter that act as index machine).. When you type a query into the search box, it goes to the nearest datacenter and index file assmebles 10 most relevant result very fast, and push it back out to you.. :D

this is a very very very very very simplified version of what happenes at google, as last time i saw a video by their top cheese describing what happenes at google.. search on slashdot? i forgot the name..

the basic technique of search engine is easy, index, find. You need a effcient algrithom.. that's what their 50 mathematicians are doing :D
I'm glad this thread was bumped. I reminds me of something a few buddies of mine and I did a while back. Enjoy: *

*Note that the sample code isn't allways the best way to do something in that particular language. Its ment to show similarties and differences in the different languages.
well, no, a hello world program isn't anything to demonstrate any programming techniques.. i didn't get through all of the languages presented on the website you give me.. However, it seems a nice place to read :D does all code sample gives the solution to the same problem? or are they different solutions..
For Programming Month 2004, they are all the same. They are close in method which is why they don't demonstrate the language too well (in most cases). Its all about introduction.

What is quite nice is we have a few groups. Some of the code for the Io sample was written by the languge's creator. The C, C++ and Objective-C articles and samples were written by the same person, a professional developer. We have a few other programming pro's in those articles, but generally they aren't using thier most beloved language. You get a beginner to intermediate perspective, which is quite nice when you are being introduced to a language.

If you like what you are reading, we also run (not trying to compete with tech-forums and
  • FIXED: Corrected some wording issues
  • FIXED: Corrected a few minor grammar problems
  • REMOVED: Removed a few pros/cons that were either opinionated (too greatly so) or incorrect
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