T-Mobile Net Reportedly Hit by Hacker/Extortion Attack

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Golden Master
T-Mobile Net Reportedly Hit by Hacker/Extortion Attack

I read this story twice and the one thing that comes to mind is nobody at T-Mobile has ever seen a ransom movie. Ever. That is how every bad guy on the planet gets tripped up in the movies, the part where they try to collect the extortion money. Maybe if T-Mobile watched a few more movies they'd catch these extortionist.

Claims have been made by an unknown party that they have compromised the US cellular network carrier T-Mobile and have managed to extract all of the corporate data, including databases, confidential documents, scripts and programs from company servers and full financial data up to the present time.
Wow must've been a really good hacker..

Not really - the whole TJX fiasco was performed by a few guys who found a open access point while out war driving, they had lax internal security and a very bad password policy and it lead to all the financial data getting copied.
Not really - the whole TJX fiasco was performed by a few guys who found a open access point while out war driving, they had lax internal security and a very bad password policy and it lead to all the financial data getting copied.

Can they do that to any other networks if they want? or they're more securied?
Well yea, for instance I might not be able to get easy instant access but there is nothing to stop me with a enought time breaking any wireless encription and gathering any data from open shares or via packet capture.
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