The Allpowerful laptop from Alienware

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Me either, looks like random symbols to me. Either that guy made that up or he is really smart and has a lot of time.
i really have thought about it...but the first one is easy. When you add the first four prime numbers together you get
What numbers are you talking about? I don't see any in the riddle on that image, unless its too blurry for me to see them.
The first 4 prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, and 7, which = 17.

He's getting that info from the blurb below the pic:
The sum of the first four primes
denotes a state of two parts
known as the gentleman's muscle car of 1967
when pure, it will carry a yield strength of 7-11 mpa
is always empty in zero sum games
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