You know it's Monday when...

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For some strange reason (this thread most likely) I thought yesterday was monday. When really it was a tuesday. Because of that, I forgot to fill up my car last night with cheap petrol. Better do that this morning.
today feels like it is a monday is only first period and it feels like it has lasted for the entire day, and on top of that i am really tired. This day blows
You know it's monday when the boss confuses instant coffee for real coffee and puts that into the coffee percolator.

Hmmmmmmm....... purcolated instant..... yummy (not).
You know it's monday when the boss confuses instant coffee for real coffee and puts that into the coffee percolator.

Hmmmmmmm....... purcolated instant..... yummy (not).

You know its definately monday when you think you add a normal teaspoon of sugar to that coffee, and you only realise its salt after taking a big swig of it.

And yes, i have done this. I was very hungover in my defence.
You know it's monday when your house mate purchase an ADSL Modem from you, and they expect you to set it up for them.
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