World's Happiest Places

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Lord Techie,

Where in the world do people feel most content with their lives?

According to a new report released by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, a Paris-based group of 30 countries with democratic governments that provides economic and social statistics and data, happiness levels are highest in northern European countries.


Canada ranked number 6 and Sweden ranked number 4.

The USA did not crack the top 10.
Tech Forums was #2 right after (the happiest place on earth).

Does not surprise me at all about the US either. It is pretty tough there right now.
Hmmm, the 1st thing I noticed was
a Paris-based group
so I'm not surprised that the USA didn't make the list.

I've got nothing against Canada and Sweden, or any place else for that matter. But I'll happily stay in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave :D

Does not surprise me at all about the US either. It is pretty tough there right now.

Tough? I'm not understanding that either.
Yea I'm not surprised we're not ranked in the top 10. Maybe we'll be a happier country in 5-6 years or so.

I think it was either Portland or Oregon that was ranked one of if not the most unhappiest place to live in the US by some national survey. So here in Oregon, it's a double freakin whammy.
You live in Toronto? And you are happy?
I'm kidding, I don't mind Toronto, don't know why it gets bashed so much.

I've heard a similar report (maybe the same one) about the most comfortable places to live. Sweden and Canada were both up there.

Another interesting test Readers Digest did was to have someone drop papers, or place a "lost" cell phone at random, and see how people react. New York was actually ranked really high as a "nice" city. Same with Toronto.
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