Why do so many people have a problem with Microsoft and bill gates?

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I think you guys are missing the true reason most other business and people dislike Microsoft and Bill Gates. It's because he/Microsoft does not want to exist in a competitive environment. Whenever another software provider, like Netscape, or Word Perfect or Linux, whomever comes up with a good product, Microsoft cobbles together their own version- usually not as good. Then to sell it - since Windows is the most common OS sold on new computers, they shove their own software( Explorer, Money etc ) down the throats of the computer manufacturers and make them include the basic version of their software on the new systems. Since it is already on the computer when consumers buy it, they use it, rather than buy other software. This just crushes their competition. Which is why we all end up with buggy software. Nobody can afford to compete with Microsoft when Microsoft wants their market.
weather or not the version that microsoft creates in order to counter attack new software is crap, that is a form of competition, crushing competition is being competitive. This is business i aint gonna let you get a piece of my action if i have to. The problem with microsofts security is not because they have considerably worse security in windows, but because all hackers specifically attack window. Linux would also show flaws if all hackers turned their attentions to them. Consider what microsoft has done for computers, a great level of compatibility, no matter what version of windows we are running or by which manufacturer, we can all communicate on a common forum due to such compatibility
becroydon said:
, that is a form of competition, crushing competition is being competitive. This is business i aint gonna let you get a piece of my action if i have to. The problem with microsofts security is not because they have considerably worse security in windows, but because all hackers specifically attack window. Linux would also show flaws if all hackers turned their attentions to them.

thank you thank you thank you.. this has been my point...I am glad that someone out there see it the way i do...
Essentially Bill and his company have created a world in which we NEED to use what they make.
a business model EVERY vuisiness strives to create...

as for security, Linux has flaws, but since hackers dont target Linux as much as MS , security issues do not arise as much.
i've been saying that about microsofts security for years, all the hackers attack windows thats why the falws show
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