Who's excited about....

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I don't really care for Harry Potter, all the fun cutsie stuff just isn't what I like to read about, and I think it's all a little cliched by now, but thats just my opinion, I know a lot of people like him and I can understand why. Never really liked Pierce either, for that matter, but he certainly wasn't bad. Nothing beats Sean Connery though ;)
The Bourne films are what James Bond should be like. Good, possible car scenes.

With that said, Goldeneye was really good with him in it, and some of them older ones are good, like the one with the bus race thing.
We're talking about the movies now? Those didn't HAVE to be great (and they weren't). The book sold so damn well the movie was really a garanteed hit, no matter what.
I've never read any of the books, nor have I seen any of the movies, and honestly....I don't care if I ever do.

BTW, PC Man Brian, your sig is very annoying...not to mention that it's too big....you better get rid of it before the sig santa visits.
PC man brian, when is that bond film supposed to be out? i havent heard anything about it. i also havent heard of any more bourne sequels, i hope they have some more, i guess he would be a "good guy" though now.
I am looking forward to the new HP book. I am stocking that part of the store i work at the day it comes out and I wanted an advanced copy but noooooo. *pouts* Oh well, I'll wait until saturday.
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