Where do I buy...

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Daemon Poster
I am in need of 150 litters of unleaded petrol. I went down to the gas staion and they had no clue where I could attain it. Anyone here have guesses? I live in Canada also.
I got two pieces of gardening equipment that use unleaded and well I'm out now, wanted to stock up.
Yea, that the thing I went down to the station and the guy looks like the biggest hick, I ask if I could buy Unleaded Petrol here. He took like 2 min to think then said he has no clue if they sold that kind there.

So is it just regular gas?
Yea, that the thing I went down to the station and the guy looks like the biggest hick, I ask if I could buy Unleaded Petrol here. He took like 2 min to think then said he has no clue if they sold that kind there.

So is it just regular gas?

Unleaded petrol (UK) = Unleaded gas (US), it's all the same.
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