Whats going on....

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Sounds like mono (mononucleosis).

Mono is some tough stuff. It knocked me flat for a couple of weeks. My wife was down for almost six weeks with it.
homerj14 said:
this is a great forum for your questions , we are all MD's and have had experience treating these symptoms
No... but maybe someones had this problem before and it was worth a try asking.

Think before posting please.
Sorry for the double post but....that's a possibility.. i drank after someone who had mono back in like.. dec-feb.. think its possible to get it that way?
"...You probably like a girl at school.... It happens...

Static_11 said:
No... but maybe someones had this problem before and it was worth a try asking.

Think before posting please.
It was a JOKE. ;)

And you are probably having a rare allergic reaction to mold.

Step outside sometimes to see if it will help. :cool:
"SARS, ect..."

Oh yeah. And if you have "teh Uuber pain in teh chests," someone might be trying to poison you.

...Either that, or the dishes weren't washed theroughly enough, and someone else in your house has a sickness.

You should go to the hospital before you end up dead. :eek: :amazed: :cool:
all of whats going on:

~eyes burn from time to time
~yawning all of the time.. no matter what.. even if its in the middle of the day and i got 12-14 hours of sleep the night before.
~Severe headaches that last hours
~major stomach pain
~lighthead alot
~get very dizzy
~random muscle spasm's / cramps.. like leg cramps or w/e...
~starting to forget alot of things

theres more.. just don't (lol?) remember them because they aren't going on right at this moment.


just checked a med site....

Results for mono:

What are the symptoms of "mono?"

The initial symptoms of "mono" are:

* a general lack of energy or malaise,
* a loss of appetite, and
* chills.

These initial symptoms can last from one to three days before the more intense symptoms of the illness begin. The more common intense symptoms include:

* a severe sore throat, (not severe.. yet.. but i can feel my voice slipping)
* fever

* swollen glands (lymph nodes) in the neck area.

It is generally the severe sore throat that prompts people to contact their doctor.

What are the signs of "mono?"

In addition to a fever from 102 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, the most common signs of "mono" are:

* a very reddened throat and tonsils and
* swollen lymph glands in the neck.

The tonsils have a whitish coating in at least one third of the cases. The spleen, (sometimes referred to as the body's biggest lymph node), is an organ found in the left upper abdomen underneath the ribcage which becomes enlarged or swollen in about 50% of patients with "mono." An enlarged liver may also occur. About 5% of patients have a splotchy red rash over the body, which has a similar appearance to the rash of measles.

The things in bold are what i have according to that.. so.. mono? doubt it..
coolness.. i just swallowed.. and it hurt like crazy..now im loosing my voice...


According to WebMD:

What Are the Symptoms of MononucleosisMononucleosis?

The early symptoms of mononucleosis resemble those of the flu, including:

* Severe fatigue
* Headache.
* Sore throatSore throat, which sometimes can be very severe.
* Chills, followed by a fever.
* Muscle aches.

After a day or two, the following additional symptoms may occur:

* Swollen lymph nodes.
* JaundiceJaundice (a yellow tinge to the skin and eyes).
* A measlesmeasles-like skin rashskin rash anywhere on the face or body; sometimes the rash develops suddenly after taking amoxicillin for a severe sore throat.
* Tiny red spots or bruise-like areas inside the mouth, especially on the roof of the mouth (palate).
* Soreness in the upper-left abdomen (from an enlarged spleen).
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