What You've Just Bought!

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Yeah, after looking I'm going to get the 2GB version of the 560Ti and an SSD.
I've also picked out another case for the first computer.. It's an Antec.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Finally, here is my latest purchase. Been waiting months for this bad boy. Was happy to find some free playstation headphones and a £5 off voucher for a selected digital download PSV game.

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

We'd better get a nice review of it, with pics. And blackjack, and hookers.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I could never get into handheld consoles really, can't stand gaming on such tiny screens. Minimum I play on at home are 23.6" screens, usual screen is 27"

Bought a mini fridge, a slab of coke, an ATTiny, and a few switches/resistors/caps/etc
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

They're fine when you're playing games suited to the small format. I had GTA Chinatown Wars on DS, and while it was a really good game it wasn't particularly well-suited for the DS screens. Peggle, which you'd've thought would be not bad on DS, was actually pretty bad.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Not going to review it properly just yet, but here are some initial thoughts:

Screen is awesome in nearly every aspect, except one which is somewhat of a let down. The blacks are awesome, the colors pop, it's extremely sensitive to touch input, no ghosting. But the whites.. on an all white screen, the whites arn't as crisp and intense as the other colors - they seem much more muted and less bright. If it's just white highlights in a normal scene it looks fine, but go to google.com and the white background almost looks.. grey and dull when you compare it to something like my iPhone. Maybe it is just because the screen is not as bright overall, it looks like my iPhone on 1/2 or maybe 2/3rd brightness.

Cameras are okay for the screen size. Definitely wouldn't want to blow the pictures up. Speakers are pretty clear, if not particularly loud. Buttons feel great, DPad is great. Analogue sticks are great to have, but the right one in particular is hard to use accurately. The throw is very short, it makes fast accurate aiming very difficult. I really am not sure how well a game like CoD would work in MP mode. Maybe I will get much better with time, who knows.

The games are sweet. Uncharted looks awesome, a cross between PS2 and PS3 graphics. It's clearly not running at native res which is a shame, it could do with some AA. The flora looks kind of last gen (The curve of the big palm tree leaves are made using about 3 or 4 straights, but overall really nice. Wipeout is fast, looks good again. Rayman is just down right beautifull and handles great. The only game to use the rear touch panel really well is FIFA 12, I tried the demo and the shooting mechanism that simulates the rear touchpad as the goal is neat. Tap where you want to place the ball and thats where it goes roughly.

Battery life is fine, getting better with every charge.

The OS is good, the concept is pretty sound and solid. The apps are a little disjointed, for example, go into your friends app and choose send message, it then opens a new messaging app. I'd like to see that as just one App, there are a few cases like this. The browser is not smartphone standard but it's serviceable, has some checkerboarding issues and isn't very fast - though turning off JavaScript helps alot. Also no Flash, HTML5 support very limited. Basically no web videos, none at all. The maps application suffers the same faults as the browser, slow and checkerboarding is very disproportionate to the vitas power. But remembering this is the very first iteration of the OS and Apps, it's a very solid start. When I think back to version one of Android and even iOS it actually is pretty damn good. There are a few bugs around, I've been using it about 6 hours and i've had to reset it twice, once on the initial set up and then once when a augmented reality game I downloaded got stuck loading - turning the vita on and off solved this.

Thats another point, loading times. These seem like pretty slow proprietery cards, class one or two at a guess. I might be wrong, but something is causing the games to have fairly long loads. Some games are perfectly fine, others take a good 30seconds or so too load.

Overall I love the thing. Get the few software issues sorted out, and then barring my comment on the screen and the joysticks, it's just about the best console i've encountered. It does what it sets out to do very well indeed.


On a side note I had a stroke of luck, my cradle dock all the way from Hong Kong with estimated shipping of 14 to 28days turned up just 15 minutes after the vita. Awesome timing :D So now my pc setup is super cool. I shall never be bored again.

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