What Are Your New-Year's Resolutions?

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LOL - I miss being a teen. As soon as I hit 20, *BAM* I was fat. I'm not super fat, but 180 @ 5'7" isn't the BEST i could be...
I'm 6'4", 245 lbs, so pretty big. Luckily I have a tall frame to spread it out a bit so I don't look obese...even though my BMI says I am. :( I was only 190 lbs. about 3 years ago.
New-Year's Resolutions?
maybe, 1680x1050/1920x1200 might even push the boat out and go for 2560x1600!

erm, nothing rly except drop my attitude when i got told to do something i dont like, the typical teenage stuff ;p
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