What are you hoping for for XMass?


Fully Optimized
England, UK
This year I wrote my letter to Santa Clause :confused: and asked for a Nvidia 750Ti. I hope I get it because I've been really good and laid off the Booze most of the year and been taking my Pills from the Shrink. If Sana Clause is kind this year mabie I'll get a New Mobo and CPU and Memory Bundle as well. :p :lol: :lol:
I kind of want a new monitor and maybe a jacket, but my heart isn't set on either one. I would be ok with 0 gifts other than sleeping in on one of my days off.
Eh nothing really. I just want to go back home and eat home cooked meals. Never thought I'd miss that this bad :tongue:
Heck yeah.
Flying back for Thanksgiving next week.
I'm more excited for Thanksgiving than I've ever been :tongue:
Looks like I'll be buying my self that 750ti if I do get one. I'm not that ***** about Xmas anyhow. Its just over commercialization and money for Company and the Poor will struggle as usual in regards to the UK Climate.
I am hoping for a full day of NO fighting between kids, NO teenage drama, NO kids being Self centered jerks- I guess I am asking for A L O T!!
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