What would u wish if..........

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the power to pull the exact amount of money out of my pocket when i need it (instead of asking for billions of dollars because this way you would never run out)

the power to make STEAM work for me

a better connection instead of this 19.2 kbps bullcrap i pay 20 bucks a month for
An unlimited source of money
An unlimited source of power
An unlimited source of wishes

And I even though those up on my own, before I read everyone else's wishes. ie: I did not purposely take anyone's idea.
#1. Bill Gates's bank account number

Hm, I guess thats all I would need. After that first wish I could pretty much buy whatever else I wanted :)
1. To be able to stab people in the face through the internet
2. Of Course Trillions upon Trillions of dollars.
3. To be a superhero with the ability to fly, skin of steel, xray vision, pyrokenisis and the ultimate power to make people feel stupid just with a stare.
I saw dudes at the newegg lan who had that image with the dude stretching his ass as the banner for the loading screen on BF2....but yeah that's not adequate enough...I need to be able to physically stab them in the face, not just shock them with an image
To know and understand absolutely everything.
<-----Insert last two wishes once first wish is granted.
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