What was the scariest dream you ever had?

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as for wierd, had many dreams about being naked in public.

If i ever had a dream about anything happening to my family or friends close enough to be family, i think it would be my worst nightmare.

Like when i found out an old friend of mine from High school got raped, i was sick to my stomach.. I found out later that it really did happen. It wasn't some nightmare that i could wake up from.

The scariest dream I ever had was when i was in Middle school... I had an erotic dream about a collsion on a space ship, and a woman and I just tried to survive. I still to this day don't understand what it meant.

I remember one dream that happened a year after my grandpa died, i had a wierd dream that they were back from the dead to talk to their only grandson.

Sorry if this was too graphic. if it needs to be degraded to PG, go ahead and edit it.
Belle1479 said:
Is it true that you guys dream in black and white? I heard that males do dream in black and white and seldom color. As for as my scariest dream, I've had loads. When I was a little girl, I had a dream I was running from the devil. I woke up horrified. That may be my worst dream. However, last night (I really haven't had a good nights sleep in a month), I dreamed my head was full of worms. I think I need to stop stressing out so much, as it's giving me horrid dreams.

My dreams are full of colour, as much as I want really. I usually have lucid dreams, where I can dream about what I want. I can also quite easily consciously think in my sleep also. I can opt out of nightmares as it's quite easy to change the subject, time, location, theme, etc. It's apparently quite a rare thing.

I also write down a lot of my dreams if I wake up after one, which is most of the time as I like to dream every night.
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