What ifs....

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I watched a show on spontaneous combustion. I shall not explode. What if YOUR head exploded Nubius?
wouldn't matter if mine did. It'd come back just like albedos head does.

(had to have played xenosaga to understand :p)

Spontaneous combustion is quite different from your head, or any other part exploding though. You will be the first person and they will have to give it a new name. FoxyLoxy syndrome
Nubius said:
Ever watched the anime 'Vandread'? Men and women are mortal enemies and have been for so long, they dont realize it's natural for men and women to be together...........so yes that translates into everyone being gay and men of course gotta get babies produced in factories :D

WHAT IF...... All of your heads exploded right this second!?

I believe that is pretty impossible...

Anyways, what if I was the world's richest person?
What if Tawain succedded from China and we were forced to protect them from China resulting in World War 3 which would prove the Theory of George Bush being the Anti-Christ? Even though I do like George Bush, sometimes.
what if we are multi-dimensional beings living a human experience as a mere blink of our existence?

what if there are ghosts and spirits and beings in other dimensions and one such being is behind you right now but you could never know it?
What if your dreams were proven to come true at any time when you least expeect it?
What if Simon Travaglia were your neighbor?
What if the eartth were to crash into the sun?
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