What ifs....

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Hey everyone,
I just made this topic because i thought it would be fun to try this. Post your what if's mmmkay. Like for example mine would be " What if there was never school ever ever again? " Kind of like the stuff you see in yearbooks. I thought it would be cool if we tried this with tech-forums.
what if random people didn't post and leave forever?

What if my friends didn't think Windows XP was a type of Computer System?(obvious; everyone would be here)

What if I happened to get shot right now?

What if Fear Factor got cancelled?

What if what if?

What if What if What if?

What if?
What if...

...you were to get banned? :D

J/K....I couldn't resist. Alright, I'm going back to my dark corner and hiding there for a little while.
What if I won the lottery and bought $10,000 worth of computer parts?
What if when I come to rule the world with an iRoN FIST.. I find that I would prefer to live in the sea ..amongst thousands of sea horses and mermaids?
What if woman ruled us as slaves ? that would just ****ing suck.
Ever watched the anime 'Vandread'? Men and women are mortal enemies and have been for so long, they dont realize it's natural for men and women to be together...........so yes that translates into everyone being gay and men of course gotta get babies produced in factories :D

WHAT IF...... All of your heads exploded right this second!?
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