What do you know about CERN??

The Outer Limits had an episode where the scientist had made a world in a lab and was observing it going through its evolution. The evil creature that came about on the experimental world was aware of the scientist and proceeded to make grief for him. His wife saved his *** in the end.
You may be right about us being a simulation. Creepy thought...
The latest episode of Rick and Morty reveals that (SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY) Rick's car is powered by an artificial universe stored within a tank the size of a car battery. The denizens of that universe unknowingly power Rick's car, but eventually develop this micro-universe technology for themselves, and so don't need to generate power in the way that Rick's car needs. Antics, existential and actual horror ensue.
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So I take it as I sit hear in front of my PC the world hasn't come to an end. Are well, never mind. I'm pretty sure I'll find out what is beyond this life some day. :p ..
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