What came before the universe ?

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On a serious note, if anyone here is really interested in the topic I suggest reading these two Books both by the same author.
The Elegant Universe
The Fabric of the Cosmos
Auther: Brian Greene

Very deep and interesting books, that will pretty much touch base with everything you ever thought you wanted to know about Astronomy, cosmology, physics, theoretical physics, The five different types of string theory, M Thoery and of course the four fundamental forces.

We don't know that for sure, it is believed and theorized that at such a point when the universe was infinitely hot and dense, the four forces we know now may not have exsisted. It is thought they they may have been just one(Or was it two, bah I don't remember!). If such was the case then we really cannot say if entrophy exsisted then they way it is now. (The progression of entrophy, the laws of it, is thought to be the process we as humans percieve as the passage of time)
Thats not to say anything, simply put, we have no idea what there was or was not before the rapid expansion phase occured.

i read Stephan Hawking the history of time, are these books more difficult to understand. Because although his book was intesting... i had very little idea on much of the book, but was still very intersting.
Well, if you put it that way, then yes they are hard.

But there is no math or equations written within the books.

The books are all about concepts, mostly..
This really bugs me, astrologists and physcists never ever speak about what came Before the universe, it can't of just been there for an infinite amount of time, it must of came from somewere, but then were did that 'somewere' come from, but then i guess it would be a very long cycle.

We've got some clever people on here, surely one of you has a vague idea ?

Go read some BOOKS on the subject!!!!! And while you are at it, could you find out for me whether or not tree's makes a sound when they fall, but know one is around to hear it.
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