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P.P. Mguire said:
Sorry, i dont skitz.

i wasnt implying that any of you have schizophrenia.....

i get it too, especially when listening to music/gaming i hear my mum calling me or the phone ringing.

you have to get the voices really majorly for it to maybe be schizophrenia. you may also hallucinate etc.
FghtinIrshNvrDi said:
Makes me think of Indiana Jones when that guy has the swords or whatever, and Indy pulls out his pistol, and pops him.


Yeah, the guy is showing off all his fancy moves and good ol Jones just shoots him.
i get it too, especially when listening to music/gaming i hear my mum calling me or the phone ringing.
Ah man i hate that. Ill like quit everything to answer the phone and its not ringing. Then when it really does i decide to ignore it. BAH
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