Vid by clanmate

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
A clanmate of mine made this vid yesterday. I don't know if she (yes, she) has posted it to YouTube yet, (yep, just checked).

In that case, I will post the link to YouTube instead of the photobucket link.

YouTube - C4 fun

I'm glad she is on my side.
Why are you glad? So what if she can time her jumps well its not actually killing anyone. i prefer seeing the Cs videos where a single person kills 5 people with a pistol all headshots close range thats skill....... or heres someone walking on the other side of a wall and kills them with a single shot.
Not fond of css myself.

I love taking out snipers with the pistol in cod4 though....headshots too.

I should make a vid one of these days.
As a BF2 player, I can appreciate her precision. Plus, I did not know about using a grenade for an extra push with a jump.

If you ever play against her you will not forget it, as she is one mean Swede... at least in the game she is.
Does she play cod4/cod5??

Im sure a few of us wouldint mind getting our rear ends handed to us by a gamer chick.
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