Ulillillia: Man or Monster.

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Perth, Australia
Ulillillia City - version 6.1

Heres a bit from his insane mind:
I've been wondering on this. I know for sure that I've played Bubsy very heavily for a long time, almost as soon as I got the game. I've logged hours by the hundreds and got into the thousands. However, I'm not exactly sure on just how many hours I've logged at all. Since I tend to overestimate, I'm beginning to wonder if 4000 is an overestimate and it should be around 3000. I still have a 20% linear margin of error though so it's quite substantial. This means a possible range, using my previous thought of 3600 hours at the time (now 3700 if that was the case), the actual span would be from 2880 to 4320 hours, quite significant. This does put 4000 hours in the realm of the potential correct answer, but it also puts 3000 there which seems more correct. I've got 3 or 4 other games that have passed the 1000-hour mark (SMB2 is getting really close to this zone; Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the second-highest at 1600 hours). Then again, I haven't really done much in the way of calculated estimates either to kind of help improve on this....
Hes not a serious gamer (like wow and fps's) he just plays stupid old school games that people hated, and then fines "bugs and glitches" which would drive anyone else to the brink of insanity to repeat button presses, jumps, and deaths in different locations all over the map.

Oh and the bubsy thing, 3000 hours, on level 1
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