ugh first day of school

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i've been alive for 5786 days. I only have one tough class this year so it wont be too bad, it's college prep english 2.
This is my senior year in high school. School is already driving me insane. It's so depressing. Once I get a job, I can get out half days. Then life will hopefully get a little bit better.
The school across the sounded full of activity this morning. I have a bus stop like 2 houses down that woke me up a couple times:D

I've been done with college for about 1.5 years now. And now, just in time for everyone to go back to school, I have about a month off in holidays from work:D
On the news, it said that school enrollment is down where I live. Is it the same in America? Was there more room to get around in the hallways?
In the US, school enrollment is up, class sizes are way up, and school funding for supplies and programs have decreased quite a bit over the last 5 years. For example, my high school was regarded as one of the best in the state. Even the test scores were good. However in the 4 years that I went there we hardly got any new stuff. We got one new computer lab (25 Gateways to replace the ancient Pentium 1 Dells that were 10 yrs old) and they replaced maybe 25% of the locks on lockers (which really did need to be done), that was about it. No new TVs, carpeting, tiles, or even text books. Everything else was left over from when the school was built (1996) and some stuff was still even older. Sports and activities fees also almost doubled over those four years ($290 for football and basketball!). All of my classes were 30-35 people except for a few, the list goes on and on. Pretty much the same thing for all of MN.
In my high school, the incoming freshmen class increases in size every year, even though we are on a fairly small island of about a constant 22,000.

It is really frustrating because there was recently an attempt at a levy to raise funds to upgrade the technology (i.e. new computers, smartboards for science classrooms, projectors, etc.), but didn't pass because of a bunch of A-holes who spread false rumors like the money would be spent buying a laptop for each student and bull like that. It only narrowly passed the next year after drastic cutbacks. The thing is we live in a very affluent community with people who could probably fund the cost of the upgrades themselves. :mad:

Even more pathetic is the awful pass rates on the Washington state standardized tests, the WASL (which, by the way, are awful tests). A passing score on the 10th grade implementation is required to graduate from high school, and my school is one of the best in the state, and there is like a 50% pass rate for the math section, and a slightly better rate on the verbal and writing sections. They make it basically impossible to not graduate because of poor testing. Basically you have as many tries as you need to pass. :confused:


My classes are:
AP Calculus
AP English Lit
AP Chem
Contemp. World Issues
AP Physics B

Basically the same next semester, except Psychology instead of CWI.
this semester shouldn't be too bad for me... it will be my last semester at my current school. In January, I will transfer to DeVry to start my bachelors. I should be done December of 07.

This semester i have Comparative religion, Intro to humanities, Sound reinforcement, Radio broadcasting, and electronic music. Five classes, but they aren't too bad. Two of my profs are pretty cool... the others are OK.

jorsoft03 said:
I love my Tuesdays and Thursdays, only one 50 minute class and it starts at noon :)

me too... except 12:30-1:45
I don't like my old school's hours. I'm glad I'm not there.

9:00 - 3:30 Mon-Thurs.
9:00 - 2:00 Friday.

If it were up to me, i'd go to school:

7:00 - 1:30 Mon-Thurs.
7:00 - 12:00 Fri.
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