Thinking about getting a credit card

Even I wouldn't consider getting a credit card... and this is me we're talking about ;)

I like to spend my money, at least with a Debit card I can only spend what I have so I never need to worry about getting in debt and paying off bills and stuff.
Until that overdraft starts getting forced.
your chevron card is a charge card than which is fifferent than a cc, your smartest bet is to go to a credit union and set yourself up with a secured credit card which is essentially where you provide the money plus 10percent to back your card for example 500 cc would be 550. Have you had your credit report pulled recently cause if you're a student and you have student loans that are in deferrment your credit score might be much better than you think
Yeah, just checked. Just over 700, not entirely sure what that means, it said it was average so.. :tongue:

Ahh yeah charge card, that makes sense.
I should have ordered a credit card before holiday shopping... I've been buying quite a bit :tongue:
I got one when I was going through college, just to build my credit up so I could buy a new car. As long as you make *full* payments on time, I don't see a problem.
Actually, a Chevron card does add to your credit as long as you pay it of every month. It's just another bill, and paying your bills on time adds small to your credit score.
that makes you a b tier borrower 760 and above is an a tier

Actually, 750+ would be A+ tier.

As PP said, the charge card is still credit based and gets reported to your credit, doesn't matter that it can't be used elsewhere. Still, good to have multiple accounts on your credit.

You may also consider doing a share pledge loan, or a small personal expense loan. Something like 500-1000 bucks for 6-12 months or something. Looks better to have different types of accounts, not just credit cards.

If you have any loan questions, I'm the guy to ask. I specifically work with loans at my job all the time.
Until that overdraft starts getting forced.

I don't have an overdraft.

Payments are totally declined if I get more than £50 in debt, which I havn't done in a long time.

Actually, a Chevron card does add to your credit as long as you pay it of every month. It's just another bill, and paying your bills on time adds small to your credit score.

Does Spotify, Phone bill and and subscriptions count :p ? If so my credit score should be okay.
I don't have an overdraft.

Payments are totally declined if I get more than £50 in debt, which I havn't done in a long time.

Does Spotify, Phone bill and and subscriptions count :p ? If so my credit score should be okay.

If your phone's billing account is under your name and not your parents' names, then yes it counts.
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