Tech-Forums T-Shirt

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Wanna go hard-core? Get hold of a CNC and cut the Tech-Forums logo out of the side of your case. for the not-quite-hardcore, etch it into your side panel window.
Wanna go hard-core? Get hold of a CNC and cut the Tech-Forums logo out of the side of your case. for the not-quite-hardcore, etch it into your side panel window.

I actually was going to do this LOL. *guessing I haven't been around for the norcent stuff, but I've seen quotes galore around here lol* inside jokes and stuff would be totally sweet!

I like SirCyber's idea. Very techie like.

With the quotes, I think that should be in the special requests. I don't think everybody would want that. lol...I wouldn't want to wear another member's name.
Put any quotes in quote tags on the shirt...

[ quote="Norcent" ]Maybe i should quit using the internet[ /quote ]
Well, we could get really geeky and use HTML tags... not that 99% of the people out there would understand either one of them... ;)
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