Tech-Forums Presidential Election!!!!!!!!

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If it was not for the fact that USA Consolite was weird with there hours and when they take holidays, I would be filling out the paperwork so I can take advantage of my Dual Citizenship
blatant criminal activity by last 4 administrations and peak oil, thats about all I have to say
mm...Iam not supposed to answer this thread, but anywz here is my opinion. I wud vote for kerry [Of course, dats not possible btw :p ] .Hmm ,reasons may be that kerry looks smarter than bush :p

I personally don't think that any of the candidates are worthy of being elected. If I had to choose, then it would be John Kerry. I just think he's slighty more in tune with the people and how their reactions to decisions are worth considering.
I personally do not think that George W. Bush has the intellectual ability for such a important and demanding job.

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