Tattoo Question.

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Do most typical licensed tattoo parlors have one time use needles? Meaning, do they give the tattoo and then ship the needle out to get remelted or whatever?
Correct, just watch when they're preparing the needle. If they don't take it out of a sterilization bag then start asking some quetison.
What do they do after they're done? Do the needles get melted down and reshaped into new, completely sterilized needles?
I would think they just have them sterilized. But hey for the cost of a tat, they should use a new one each time. But since I am needle-phobic, I don't worry about that.
The General said:
For 100% protection, just don't get a tattoo. That's the only way you can be 100% sure.

I was just trying to understand it. I've thought about a tattoo on and off for 4 years and wanted to know more about the safety behind them.
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